output: ks0108 The ks0108 driver is used to drive a 97x35 graphical I2C-LCD on the serial port. Connection diagram (please view in a font like Courier): Lcd pin numbers (looking at the flexcable): ------ | o o \ ------ \ ===============| 1 ===============| . ===============| . ============\==| . ============\\=| . ---------- ==| 7 \____| ser: (9pin) lcd: rts(7) -+-------[10k]--------- sda(7) | dtr(4) ---+-----[10k]--------- scl(6) | | | +-|>|-+-[100]-+-|>|- 3V(4) +---|>|-+ | | +----- Vled(2) + | --- 1uF --- | gnd(5) ---------+------+------ GndLed(1) +------ dgnd(5) txd(3) ----------------------- Vcontr(3) *WARNING* *WARNING* This circuit has only been tested on my own laptop. Your mileage may vary. *WARNING* *WARNING* Options: * serport - Select the serial port the display is on. Example: serport = /dev/ttyS0 Driver written by Sprite_TM.