Note: This is a 2d presentation. Use left and right to move between chapters, use up and down to go to the next slide in a chapter. Space forwards linearily through all slides and chapters.
Flash dump is available... can we replace the songs?
buddha.bin (2097152 bytes)
'Hello' -> 47 64 6c 6b 6e -> b8 9b 93 94 91 -> 91 94 93 9b b8
Isthay ouldway beay anyay exampleyay ofyay obfuscationyay.
Anyone, from the most clueless amateur to the best cryptographer, can create an algorithm that they themselves can’t break.
Bruce Schneier
hello, remoticon people
;0<)=e17(;?,:"/t57&1 6
hello, hackaday people
;0<)=e+3&?*!84at57&1 6
Data = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Key = 19 28 38 45 91 73 AB 6E 43 F0
Res = 19 28 38 45 91 73 AB 6E 43 F0
0xEF, 0xFF, 0xDF, 0x9F, 0x1F, 0x3E, 0x7C, 0xF8, 0xF0, 0xC1, 0xA3, 0x67, 0xEF, 0xFF, 0xDF, 0x9F, 0x3E, 0x7C, 0xF8, 0xF0, 0xE0, 0xE1, 0xE3, 0xE7, 0xEF, 0xFF, 0xDF, 0xBE, 0x7C, 0xF8, 0xF0, 0xC1, ...
0xEF 0xFF 0xDF 0x9F 0x1F 0x3E 0x7C 0xF8 0xF0 0xC1 0xA3 0x67 0xEF 0xFF 0xDF 0x9F 0x3E 0x7C 0xF8 0xF0 0xE0 0xE1 0xE3 0xE7 0xEF 0xFF 0xDF 0xBE 0x7C 0xF8 0xF0 0xC1
0xEF 0xFF 0xDF 0x9F 0x1F 0x3E 0x7C 0xF8 0xF0 0xC1 0xA3 0x67 0xEF 0xFF 0xDF 0x9F 0x3E 0x7C 0xF8 0xF0 0xE0 0xE1 0xE3 0xE7 0xEF 0xFF 0xDF 0xBE 0x7C 0xF8 0xF0 0xC1
carry = (xorval & 0x80); xorval_next = xorval << 1; if (carry ^ some_generated_bit()) \ xorval_next = xorval_next ^ 0x21
Some_generated_bit() = 110011011000001000000101100011100010110000001100...
uint16_t state=0x1234; int lfsr() { int carry=(state&1); state=state>>1; if (carry) state=state ^ 0x8408; return carry; }
int MidiKey2Freq(WaveData *d, u8 mk, u8 fp);
Need to find similar fn in secret ROM!
Hope they don't check ptr...
Yes! Side-effect: acc=mem[dptr+3]
Function actually does: memcpy(ptr, dst, 4);
No Appotech, no GeneralPlus, no Winchip, no...
"JL AB20CM9K17.1"
JieLie, located in Zhuhai, China
Known from: Cheapo BT audio
AlexGuo1998, Piet Skiet, Prehistoricman, bsekisser, ThreeMetreJim, Malvineous, hjalfi, ruben_balea, neil555, uzlonewolf, bsekisser, me
Jeroen Domburg / Sprite_tm